102.7 fever in 4 year old

4+ day high fever in 3 year old.
102.7 fever in 4 year old
My 3 year old son has a fever of 102.4.

My 3 year old daughter, Karen, developed a fever quite suddenly Monday afternoon. The fever climbs high at night (>103) and bounces around during the day between 99
My one year old daughter has a fever of 102.4 what should i do? - Do i take her into her normal doc when hes open or should i go to the hospital?
16.03.2008 · Best Answer: Call his pediatrician's office and speak to the doctor on call. Please don't listen to everyone who says rush him to the ER. If it is deemed
Strep Throat, Fever and Continuing HEADACHES in My 4 Year Old -- ADVICE? My son was diagnosed with strep throat on Friday. He never complained of a sore throat, but
Strep Throat, Fever and Continuing.
2 1/2 year old fever for 4 days: My 2 1/2 year old has had a fever between 102-104 for the last 4 days with no other symptoms but icky feeling. She says her "hair"
17.02.2008 · Best Answer: 2 to 4 year old: When should I call the doctor? You're the best judge of whether your preschooler is really ill, so call if you're worried, no
Question - My 4 year old has had a fever for 6 days, ranging 100-104. Find the answer to this and other Pediatrics questions on JustAnswer.
2 1/2 year old fever for 4 days.
102.7 fever in 4 year old
Toddler with Fever of 102 2 1/2 year old fever for 4 days.2 Year Old Fever 102
Fever in 4 Year Old My two year old son has had a 102.7 fever.