negative hpt but positive beta after ivf

Negative Pregnancy Test After IVF
negative hpt but positive beta after ivf
Anyone Test HPT Neg and get a positive.

negative hpt 9 days after IVF transfer,.
Maybe im misunderstanding, but thought you usually have two positive opk days?! I'm soooo ignorant about this opk thing. I have no idea what is normal
How long after egg transfer until I can.
Hi All !I am new to this board and I have a question. I had a transfer done on 6/16 at about 3pm they transferred 2 grade 4, 3 day embryos. I took a HPT today an
Hello all, Going through 1st IVF. had 4 IUI and decided to give ivf a shot. This 2 ww period is torture. Just did a home pregnancy test a few minutes ago and it was
negative HPT 10 days after embry transfer.
So Nov 10 we transferred two grade AA 6 day FET Blastocysts .. this is with a surrogate, the same one that we had a chemical pregnancy with in
Welcome! Come discuss TTC with high-tech help - like IVF, FET, ICSI, etc. You can find cycle buddies as we support each other in hopes of achieving and sustaining a
9 Days After IVF Transfer
Expert fertility information on Hello. I am loosing my mind. I had my first FET last Friday (am at day 9) and I took a hp test this morning and it was negative. I
HPT positive - how many days post 5 day.
Hello, I had my first egg transfer on Friday and I am wonderfing how long I need to wait for a HPT to be accurate?? I am so impatient as this is my first IVF cycle